If a resident has a complaint about the temperature for a certain time period, or if you are looking to see if changes made (e.g., added more insulation around a Window A/C to address a draft on January 15th), then there are two reports that you will find helpful in this effort.
The Investigate 311 report will help you zero in on a particular unit. This report is purpose built to look at one apartment or to compare two apartments (e.g., with the unit above or below that apartment)
- Step 1 is to select the Unit (e.g., 14A)
- Next, select the Time Range that you want to zero in on using the "is in the range" time filter
- For example, set the start date to January 1 and the end date to January 11
- After the Unit and Time Range are selected, then you hit the 'Reload' button (see the blue, circling arrow in the image below). The 'Reload' button is located in the top right corner of the page. This applies the new filters (e.g., Unit and Time Range)
Bonus features:
- If you want to hide some of the values on the graph, then you can click on what you want to hide in the graph's "key" (typically located at the bottom of the graph) and that data should disappear from the graphs.
- Click on it again to go back to making them visible.
- Mouse over any data points on the graphs to get specific values
The 'All Cozys" report is another option to use for this type of analysis. You would set the same filters and 'reload' to apply the filters.